Integrated Project Delivery
Integrated Project Delivery is characterized as a project delivery method that fully integrates and seeks to align the financial interests and success objectives of the big four stakeholders – owner, architect, engineer, and contractor – together with all the periphery team members, starting from conception and continuing through the final project turnover.
Collaboration and mutual trust are critical to the success of the IPD method. IPD demands a collaborative approach such that each project stakeholder focuses on creating maximum value for the owner while the design team rewards are fully aligned with the owners desired outcomes.
WGI’s experience in successfully delivering IPD projects has been heavily dependent on our investments in technology, which allow us to share design files and project deliverables in real time with our design and construction partners.
Our early adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) design software allows WGI to produce design files concurrently with our architecture team members. BIM allows each technical discipline to run a concurrent design development process, reducing coordination conflicts and project design schedules.
Multi-party agreements are a common feature typically found in the IPD delivery method. These agreements allow the owner, architect, engineer, and contractor to be a party to a single contract, all subject to the same risks, terms, and conditions as the other party, with little ambiguity as to obligations, roles, responsibilities, and liabilities.
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