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WGI completed an Alternative Traffic Impact Analysis for this multifamily development at the southeast corner of Springdale Road and Old Manor Road. The analysis followed the recently completed Walnut Bend development TIA and considered the costs of recommended improvements. The analysis established the developer’s pro-rata share of improvements and assigned a percentage of the cost to the new development. According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation Manual, the development is anticipated to generate 1,342 daily trips. Trips were primarily assigned to arterials and freeways to reflect the nature of the development and the likelihood that residents will be commuting to areas outside the study area for work and other trips.
Although the analysis was an Alternative TIA, all the required analysis was completed according to Travis County’s stringent guidelines. The report included turn lane warrant analysis (not warranted), intersection Level of Service analysis (acceptable in build condition), and intersection sight distance analysis (exceeds requirements). The Alternative TIA analyzed six improvements from the prior project, including three road sizing improvements and three intersection improvements. Each improvement determined the pro-rata share for the development and the cost assigned to the new development.
The completion of the TIA was a critical path item for this development. Due to schedule constraints and challenges, WGI had to leverage its robust relationship with Travis County to get the TIA approved in record time. The TIA took only four months to complete from start to finish and underwent only one County review.
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