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Located in the City of Austin, TX, the purpose of the study was to ensure adequate traffic operations internal to the site and at the public access points for the proposed urban charter school. The 11th Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s Trip Generation Manual was used to generate daily and peak hour trip estimates for the ultimate school enrollment. The site plan was reviewed, identifying driveway locations and internal roadway networks. WGI worked closely with the client team to understand hours of operation, staggered pick-up and drop-off times (to derive peak operating periods), after-school activities, and the number and location of bus routes. A queuing and circulation analysis was then performed using industry best practices for the number of parents that will be picking up more than one child at a time, the number of students riding the bus, and the number of vehicles expected to arrive on-site at one time. Upon deriving the expected queue lengths on a high-demand day, it was determined where the queuing could take place, which driveways should be used for entry and exit, and where loading and unloading should be located to ensure that all queued vehicles could be contained within the site footprint. WGI also recommended the need for driveway turn lanes and access for active modes. Under tight deadlines, WGI worked closely with ATD and TxDOT to get the required approvals.
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