There are several timing-related issues when it comes to installing EV chargers: How soon will my tenants require chargers? Do I need to design or convert all my parking spaces to EV spaces? How much charging capacity do I need today and in the future?
Installing EV Chargers at the Right Time
The first issue is when to start adding chargers. If you are already seeing electric vehicles in your parking facilities, the answer may be “now” or at least “soon.” The equipment is relatively affordable and simple, and many owners and developers have already begun installing charging stations.
In new construction, your project should plan for the installation of some chargers on day one. Furthermore, many developments are planning for additional electrical capacity for future chargers. Additional conduit and space for the future are also considered an EV-ready solution.
Be Prepared for Regulatory Requirements
Demand isn’t the only factor, though. Some jurisdictions are implementing zoning that requires EV chargers in new or renovated facilities, particularly for residential developments. It’s essential to be aware of your local zoning regulations and what grants or tax programs may be available in your area.
The auto industry has begun converting to all-electric fleets, and there will be staging up throughout the country as the technology progresses and EV vehicles become more affordable. It will be a decade or more before most automakers plan to be all-electric and considering that the average vehicle on the road is 12 years old, it will be several years more before EV becomes a universal standard.
Remember, too, that with any new technology, it’s reasonable to assume that associated costs will drop as new manufacturers enter the market. Rather than spend more than necessary to install chargers that you don’t need today, it may make sense to stagger the installation of EV charging stations.
In considering capital improvement plans, developers and owners may want to pursue strategies that provide for additional charging each year—or every few years—over the next decade as the technology is adopted.
Let the EV experts at WGI help you evaluate your short- and long-term EV charging needs and develop a plan that meets those needs. Contact us today!