What is the ITE Trip Generation Manual?
The ITE Trip Generation Manual is a nationally recognized source for determining the anticipated number of trips for a diverse set of land uses and associated sizes/densities.
It is a summary of trip generation data compiled from studies throughout the United States and Canada that were voluntarily collected and submitted.
Each iteration of the manual seeks to expand its database, reclassify land uses, and modernize its approach to estimating vehicle and multimodal trips to reflect our ever-changing world.
What are some notable changes from 10th to 11th Edition?
This edition features changes to single-family housing, multifamily housing, medical-dental offices, and gas station/convenience market land uses. The table below sheds some light on some notable additions and updates to existing land uses.
How does this apply to me?
Jurisdictions across the country are starting to adopt the 11th Edition and will be requiring its use to determine the site-generated impacts of development projects.
Doing work in the Austin, Texas area? The City of Austin has already adopted this version of the manual as of January 1, 2022, and requires its use on all COA Traffic Impact Analyses. Travis County will be following suit beginning April 1, 2022.
Confused about these changes or want to know how to maximize your density potential while staying under TIA thresholds? Our experts have the answers! Contact us before starting your next project!