
VIDEO: The Competition Was Heated at the WGI Austin Office’s Annual Chili Cook-Off

WGI’s office in Austin, Texas recently hosted a Chili Cook-Off, ugly sweater contest, and “green elephant” holiday gift exchange.

In December, associates in WGI’s Austin, Texas office enjoyed some friendly culinary competition at its 5th Annual Chili Cook-Off. About a dozen competitors entered the competition by sharing their homemade chili creations with their fellow associates. The cook-off is held annually in conjunction with an ugly sweater contest and “green elephant” holiday gift exchange.

Like all of the unique local traditions at WGI’s offices across the country, this annual event was an opportunity for associates to socialize and strengthen personal connections with one another. Check out the video recap of the event below:

Voting was anonymous and prizes (mostly bragging rights) were awarded to the top 3 finishers. Ashley Weldon, Project Accounting Specialist, stated, “I have been here for almost 4 years and this was the best round of chili that we have had in the time that I have been here.”

Austin Chili Cook Off

After the votes were tallied, the title of Chili Champion was awarded to Senior Civil Designer James McCoy for his “Three Amigos” entry. His secret recipe has taken the title two years in a row. When asked about his secret ingredients, McCoy said, “I can’t say what spices are in there because I don’t want to give it away… but whiskey is a key ingredient. Also, brisket.”

The winner for the best (worst?) ugly sweater went to MEP Project Manager, Joe Miller. In his winning interview, Miller stated “The term ‘ugly sweater’ gets tossed around far too frequently… I, personally, take it very seriously.” Miller went on to say that the sweater he competed in was inherited from some friends who told him that the sweater has never lost an ugly sweater competition.

Austin Chili Cook Off

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