Super Neighborhoods, simply, are neighborhood planning areas in the City of Houston. Within a given Super Neighborhood residents are encouraged to work together to identify, plan, and set priorities to address the needs and concerns of their community. Citywide, Houston has been divided into 88 Super Neighborhoods.
The boundaries of each super neighborhood rely on major physical features (bayous, freeways, etc.) to group together contiguous communities that share common physical characteristics, identity or infrastructure.
Within any single Super Neighborhood, a Council is elected that is typically comprised of area residents and stakeholders that serves as a forum to discuss issues and identify and implement priority projects for the area with City staff members. In the past more than one of the Super Neighborhoods have joined together to create a stronger Council body.
Citywide, the leadership of the recognized Super Neighborhood Councils from across the City has organized a Super Neighborhood Alliance. Members of the Super Neighborhood Alliance are comprised of the Presidents of the Super Neighborhood Councils and serve as a formal advisory board to the Mayor and City Council members.