A plat “is a map, drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land”. Platting typically occurs when a property is going to be sold, merged with another property, or dedicated for another use such as a park or flood zone. It could also be necessary for the designation of roads, creation or vacation of easements, ensuring access for public utilities, and complying with zoning and land use plans.
Platting in San Antonio
By platting a property within the city limits of the City of San Antonio, you can vest a property’s regulatory rights at the time of platting. Upon preparation of a plat the City tracks the property in connection with the Unified Development Code. This may prevent the property from being subject to more burdensome changes to the code in the future. This is especially important in regard to large UDC changes in the past including drainage fees, tree review standards, traffic impact analysis standards, etc.
In San Antonio, the platting process can be conducted with the City of San Antonio Development Services Department. It is unlawful to make any changes or developments to a property prior to completing the platting process. Regulations apply to any area within the City of San Antonio and five miles beyond the city limits in any direction according to the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
Minor Plats are approved by the Director of the Development Services Department on a rolling basis. Major Plats are discussed by the The Planning Commission every second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The deadline for scheduling items on the agenda is close of business by the Monday two weeks before the scheduled meeting.
Approved plats are then recorded by the County Clerk. To access the City of San Antonio’s Plat Tracking System click here.
Need Assistance? We can help.
If you have any other questions about the platting process in your city, or need help submitting your property for consideration, just give our San Antonio office a call at (210) 860-9224 or shoot us a note on the Contact Us page.