WGI’s Architecture & Design Team was tasked with meeting the expanding needs of an existing operations site for FDOT District 5.
The team designed a modern replacement facility for their existing operations site that was phased to allow for a fully functional, occupied site throughout the entire duration of construction.
This facility serves District 5 as a response center in the event of an emergency.
The approximately 30-acre site was master-planned and includes a new administration building, new vehicle shop/warehouse building, new crew/storage building and multiple pre-engineered structures for the containment or storage of material.
The intent of the design was to separate visitor, day-to-day, and emergency operation functions through careful manipulation of traffic patterns and site security.
The new administration building is located close to Camp Road for high visibility and separates public access and parking from the remainder of the facility.
Building materials, systems, and equipment were carefully selected to provide the District with a facility that is easy to maintain over the long term.