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Canopy is a master-planned subdivision in Hernando County on U.S. Highway 19. The 263-acre site is a vested Development of Regional Impact (DRI) that was delayed for decades. The Master Plan for the site includes entitlements for 842 single-family lots and 55 acres of recreation or open space. Preliminary Civil Engineering and Site Design took the existing 31 acres of wetlands on-site into account and created a Planned Development (PD) site layout that included a robust, code-compliant roadway network, 781 total dwelling units, 35.2-acres of lakes and stormwater ponds, 19-acres of preserved wetlands, and 8.27 acres of neighborhood recreation space. WGI completed a Master Plan, Traffic Impact Study, Preliminary Civil Engineering, County Concurrency Review, and a Conditional Plat for Park Square Homes in preparation for the construction of the PD. After several public outreach meetings to garner support from the Glen Lakes community directly to the south and a substantial number of meetings with the Hernando County Engineering Department to forego construction of a frontage road that would have gouged the number of lots achievable for the project, WGI successfully received approval for a Master Site Plan and Conditional Plat from Hernando County.
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WGI supports its associates with meaningful opportunities for growth, strong benefits and perks, while we work collaboratively with clients and co-consultants to shape and improve communities.
WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.