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WGI staff were part of a multi-disciplinary team to develop and evaluate concepts for transforming San Pablo Avenue, a state route, into a more complete street. The 2.5-mile section of San Pablo Avenue (CA 123) is a parallel route to I-80 and is often used for congestion relief during peak periods. It is also a frequently-used goods movement corridor. The corridor also serves two Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) stations. There are no designated bicycle facilities on San Pablo Avenue, and long blocks prohibit safe and convenient pedestrian travel. The Project contemplated removing travel lanes and parking areas to provide transit lanes, separated bicycle facilities, and curb extensions to narrow pedestrian crossings. It also added crossing locations and narrowed vehicle lanes to lower vehicle speeds.
Work began with an existing conditions assessment that included bicycle and pedestrian volumes and desire lines; bus service frequency, ridership, and bus stop locations and amenities; traffic volumes and service levels; and definition of unique corridor segments based on overall transportation characteristics. From there, we worked with City staff on the development of complete streets policies, and the development of multi-modal performance metrics and standards, which utilized both a ‘built environment factors’ approach and a person-delay approach. This was an invaluable step of the process, as it ensured that the community’s needs were met and that the Project would reflect community values. As a result of this work, the development of modified cross-sections for each of the three unique corridor segments were developed, including incorporating far-side bus bulbs, a buffered bicycle lane, lane narrowing, and a road diet.
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WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.