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WGI completed a condition survey of the building and the parking garage. The investigation included a review of the exterior walls in accordance with the City of Philadelphia Ordinance PM-304.1. The report included recommendations consistent with conditions and classified as safe with a City’s repair and maintenance program.
WGI provided all the engineering for the garage restoration, including repair and replacement of the structural system; designed the temporary support frames and bracing elements; provided reinforcing steel bar layout for bar fabrication; inspected all of the reinforcing steel before concrete placement; coordinated detailing for contractor sequencing for each phase. Each of the floors has been waterproofed with a MMA deck coating system. The phased project was completed within our original budget estimate.
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WGI supports its associates with meaningful opportunities for growth, strong benefits and perks, while we work collaboratively with clients and co-consultants to shape and improve communities.
WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.