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Webinar Recap: Visualization and 3D Design: From Concept to Reality

WGI’s visualization team investigates cutting-edge tools to visualize, understand, design, and manage the built environment.
Visualization and 3D Design

In the latest session of our Webinar Series, three of our visualization and engineering design experts discuss WGI’s augmented reality venture and their approach to generating 3D designs and bringing them to life using the latest design software.

140+ attendees nationwide tuned in to watch and listen to our Visualization Team share their real-world expertise. They went into detail about opportunities for companies to move plans into interactive models and utilize visualization and 3D design to help analyze project alternatives, minimize conflicts, and streamline project information to the public.

If you missed the live session, you can watch the recording in its entirety below:

Not only can we design it, we can help you visualize it.

Our visualization team includes engineers, architectural designers, graphic artists and designers, landscape architects, GIS specialists, and geospatial experts. WGI can help you simulate, illustrate, or render your next project! Here’s a sample of what we can do for you:

Contact our team today before you start your next project!

Download our free whitepaper: Realizing Your Vision With Technology: The Next Generation of Show-and-Tell.

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WGI Welcomes Five New Hires

WGI is pleased to welcome five new hires in our San Antonio, Austin, Houston, Dallas, and Jacksonville offices.

Motor Carrier Size and Weight Fixed Weigh Stations

Motor Carrier Size and Weight Fixed Weigh Stations

WGI is entering the second year of our second five-year design support continuing services contract with the FDOT and Motor Carrier Size and Weight (MCSAW). This marks seven continuous years that WGI has provided design services to support the MCSAW objective of preserving Florida’s highway infrastructure.


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