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WGI was contracted to prepare Environmental Review Records pursuant to 24 CFR 58.35(a) for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for 13 single-family home sites. The 13 sites required a complete ERR to receive funding from the Community Block Grant Small Cities and/or Home Investment Partnership Program to provide rehabilitation and/or rebuilding of the single-family home sites. To adequately complete each ERR, WGI had to prepare a Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) Site-Specific Review Checklist for each of the 13 home sites. The Site-Specific Review Checklist required thorough investigation into multiple environmental impact factors such as endangered species, wetlands, contamination, floodplain management, coastal barriers resources, air quality, noise abatement, sole source aquifers, historical resources and preservation, farmland protection, wild and scenic rivers, and airport hazards. WGI evaluated each of these factors concerning the rehabilitation and/or rebuilding of each single-family home site and prepared documentation to support each evaluation.
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WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.