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WGI was the engineer of record for this new interchange at SR 9/I-95 and St. Johns Heritage Parkway SE in Brevard County. The RFP concept proposed a partial cloverleaf interchange as the preferred configuration. During the Alternate Technical Concepts (ATC) process, our Design-Build Team proposed and was approved for a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI). The DDI features a center shared-use path and is the first to be built in Brevard County. The project required the preparation of a Supplemental Interchange Modification Report (IMR) for review and approval by FHWA and FDOT prior to construction. In addition, WGI’s alternate drainage conveyance and stormwater treatment plan was approved by the St. Johns River Water Management District and FDOT D5. This drainage approach significantly reduced impacts to Florida Gas Transmission facilities (two high-pressure gas mains within a 65-foot easement) along the west side limited-access right of way and reduced impacts to I-95. I-95 mainline. Overall design and approvals were completed within a nine-month design schedule for RFC plans, without impacts to the construction schedule. This project received FTBA’s Design-Build Award.
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WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.