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WGI was tasked through our continuing SUE services contract with FDOT District 6 to perform a Subsurface Utility Engineering investigation for a roadway improvement and signalization project on SR 5 / Biscayne Blvd. Twenty-nine (29) Quality Level A (ASCE 38-02) test holes were performed to identify underground utilities in potential conflict with the proposed improvements. That data was supplemented with nine Quality Level B (ASCE 38-02) designated sites, where only the horizontal alignment of requested utilities was provided.
Unlike a typical SUE project, the high-profile nature of the location for this utility investigation provided a certain level of uniqueness. Some of the test holes were dug directly in front of the American Airlines Arena, a high-volume tourist destination, where exceptionally elevated levels of pedestrian traffic posed a challenge. Limiting the duration of the project was definitely an additional factor considered by WGI. Restoring the surfaces to their original condition, as evidenced in the project photos, was also key to maintaining the physical impact of the SUE investigation to a minimum.
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