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Coordination, Design, and Permitting for Single-Family Land Development Projects

Your bet paid off and you have a site ripe for development. Learn what comes next in the process (and how WGI can help you navigate it 😉)
single family home development #4

Note: this is the fourth post in a multi-part series focused on single-family housing developments. Read more posts in the series:

Part 1: Planning and Feasibility Steps
Part 2: Zoning, Density, and Layout
Part 3: Site Investigation Report
Part 4: Coordination, Design, and Permitting
Part 5: Grading and Drainage Design

Once the site investigation report has been completed and your site has been deemed feasible for development, then the real work begins. 

The Scope Of Things

Depending on your project’s location and complexity, there are several things that still need to happen before you can obtain a permit and begin construction. Below is a list of some of the most common tasks that are required. Don’t worry — your civil engineering consultant (like WGI) can help you with all of these, and more!

Surveying, Environmental, and Geotechnical

  • Boundary Survey
  • Tree and Topographic Survey
  • Easement Preparation and/or Vacation
  • Final Subdivision Plat
  • Environmental Review
  • Geotechnical Review

Preliminary Engineering and Design Tasks

  • Preliminary Engineering / Regional Stormwater Management Report (RSMR)
  • Floodplain Due Diligence with Potential Detailed Floodplain Study
  • Fire Flow Test and Water System Hydraulic Calculations
  • Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)
  • Dry Utility Coordination
  • Engineering Support for Zoning Services

Coordination and Permitting with City, County, and State Agencies

  • Utility Service Agreement
  • DOT Driveway Permit/DOT Utility Permit (UIR)
  • Site Development Permitting


Construction Documents & Bidding Services

  • Subdivision Construction Documents (Grading, Erosion Control, Streets, Drainage, Water, and Sewer Design)
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
  • Bid Document Creation
  • Bidding Services
  • Site Development Cost Estimating

Construction Administration

  • Construction Staking
  • Construction Administration/Inspection
  • Project Meetings
  • Project Closeout

Meetings, Meetings And More Meetings…

In addition to the tasks listed above, a typical project will require meetings with city planners, engineers, and with the planning and city councils. A large amount of the magic happens behind the scenes when it comes to project delivery and reaching a stage where all the reviewing agencies can sign off on it. Our team has the local knowledge and relationships to make sure that your project is approved as efficiently as possible.

Additional Scope

If your project is more complex, with additional stages like annexation, re-zoning, or going through as a planned unit development (PUD), more steps can be added to the scope. Changing the use of a parcel can also add additional meetings and time to a project.

Put Me In, Coach!

We want to join your development team! Don’t let the fear of striking out get in your way.  Contact us today so we can establish a game plan to make your next project a home run!

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