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A 14-mile widening of highly traveled interstate from four to six lanes, the WGI Design-Build team approached the project with significant cost-savings in mind. From outside widening north- and southbound, to a linear stormwater system that eliminated a series of cascading costs, the team’s responsibilities included conducting the pre-construction meetings, submittal reviews, construction and testing observations, progress meeting attendance, reviewing record drawings, responses to requests for information and certifying construction completion.
The improvements also included the complete reconstruction of the I-75/SR 48 interchange and a section of SR 48 from two-lane rural to a five-lane urban roadway, requiring significant services ranging from roadway widening and reconstruction and structural design of bridge replacement; stormwater facilities, utility relocations, and water and sewer utility design, to the specialized process of Gopher tortoise relocation.
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WGI supports its associates with meaningful opportunities for growth, strong benefits and perks, while we work collaboratively with clients and co-consultants to shape and improve communities.
WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.