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The First Park South Florida Commerce Park currently consists of 51 businesses spread over 500 acres. The Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District (NPBCID) is required to maintain an environmental liaison between the Commerce Park and the NPBCID as part of the development order for the park. The responsibilities of the liaison include reviewing applications for new construction within the park for compatibility with the approved Hazardous Materials Management Plan. The responsibilities also include annual inspections of all current businesses within the park. During these inspections, the WGI liaison offers advice on the prevention of hazardous material spills as well as determining if spills have occurred between
annual inspections.
WGI has successfully completed a decade of annual monitoring reviews for the park. Our experts have helped prevent contamination incidents by accurately identifying and defining solutions to problematic practices. Through our diligent efforts, we have ensured the continued health and sustainability of the park environment.
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WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.