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WGI designed an extension of the marina breakwater and four floating docks to accommodate approximately 85 boats. WGI performed wave and wind load calculations to design the breakwater and floating docks. The breakwater design was constructed of steel sheet piling and armor stones.
The floating dock design, utilizing HDPE floats with IPE wood decking, and steel piling, included sizing the floats, stability calculations, aluminum connections, and attachments. The floating docks are custom-designed with WGI providing all required plans and specifications. WGI also supervised the construction and installation of the breakwater and floating docks, including shop drawing review and on-site inspections
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WGI supports its associates with meaningful opportunities for growth, strong benefits and perks, while we work collaboratively with clients and co-consultants to shape and improve communities.
WGI is a dynamic organization with opportunities nationwide for engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, environmental scientists, and architects.