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Weiss Tract Multifamily Development is located near the corner of Immanuel Road and Wells Branch Parkway in Travis County. According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation Manual, the Traffic Impact Analysis analyzed the impact of 2,200 multifamily dwelling units generating over 14,000 daily trips in the built condition. The project was analyzed in four phases with seven project driveways, resulting in four unique trip distribution and assignment patterns that had to be accurately addressed and detailed in the report. In addition to considerations of the development itself, the analysis included eight unique background projects in the surrounding area, built in phases with varying completion dates. Considering these background projects as contributing to the background growth of this phased development presented distinctive challenges in the analysis and organization of the TIA itself.
WGI worked closely with the County and the Developer, facilitating collaborative meetings to ensure the conclusions and recommendations included in the TIA were both in the Developer’s best interest. They provided a safe and inviting roadway network for the surrounding community. Overall, improvements were recommended at 10 of 12 study intersections, including recommendations for turn lanes and traffic signals. Immanuel Road was also recommended for upgrades, including widening for a center, two-way, left-turn lane that would serve the Weiss Tract development and the streets opposite the development.
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